Careel Bay Tennis Club
Tennis Northern Beaches Competitions
Information about Tennis Northern Beaches (TNB) competitions is available here.
Entry Form: Click HERE.
Please fill out and email back (please don’t post a hard copy down the shoot at club)
Send to: careelbaytennisclub@gmail.com and include a copy of the bank payment transfer.
Payment: $80 paid to
Account Name: Careel Bay Tennis Club
BSB: 012 349
Acct No: 268663024
Reference: TNB and your surname
a: Format – 2 players, in a ladder/rounds format with Semis and Finals for those finishing in the top 4. Played home and away.
b: Comp Rules - TNB Competition Rules are HERE: Please familiarise yourself with these.
c: Financial Member Careel Bay – you must have paid your Careel Bay club fees in order to participate as a Careel Bay member.
d. TNSW insurance is paid for by Careel Bay for Careel Bay members
e: UTR – If you are already registered on Xpoint you can find your UTR on the results page when you are logged in If you do not have a UTR leave blank.
f: If you wish to register your interest as a reserve please indicate which competitions you wish to reserve for and notify the Club Captain.